Las Cruces, NM
El Paso, TX
Fort Worth, TX


New Mexico State University: Stewart Street Tunnel Collapse

New Mexico State University: Stewart Street Tunnel Collapse

Designs were made for repairs for a utility tunnel that had collapsed the week before school started. This tunnel provided chilled water to the dorms. When it collapsed, these dorms were deprived of air conditioning days before students were scheduled to move in. The tunnel was assessed, using both a visual investigation and a Lidar investigation. The results of this test were used to calculate the actual structural capacity of the potentially deficient areas and provide information as to whether these areas require remediation. The designs were delivered for repairs that could be completed in a matter of a couple of weeks. Stubbs Engineering also worked with University to facilitate temporary solutions while the tunnel was being repaired.

New Mexico State University
GLHN Architects & Engineers, Inc.
Las Cruces, NM
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